Thursday, October 06, 2005

New Orleans , Peacemaking, NPR and South America

My heart is indeed heavy in the wake of Katrina, Rita, the War in Iraq, continued poverty and what appears to be efforts to destroy the fabric of this society and take the world with it. I pray that those of who stand for peace continue to have what they need to carry on. I hope that you all have something to sustain you in these times where we have too much to pay attention to. I hope that we stay awake.

Blessings to All of Us!
"Ever'thing there is but lovin'
leaves a rust on yo' soul."
Langston Hughes

- If New Orleans were dry - by Michael Ventura
- Katrina's Main Lesson for Petrosociety - Jan Lundberg
-Chicago and Philadelphia City Council Passes Resolution Against The War
- Green Dove Calendar Updated
- Green Dove Chap Book Contest
- Michael Moore After A Month in New Orleans
- National Public Radio News
- November 17th - "Not Your Soldier Day"
- Green Peace - Oil Tycoons Taking Advantage in Wake of Katrina and Rita
- The Fight Against Drugs May Cause A Natural Castrophe In South America

If New Orleans were dry

During the last year, noteworthy articles have bounced around the Net implicating our government in 9/11. Some say the incompetence of our intelligence agencies was intentional, engineered by a right-wing cabal reaching all the way to the White House, seeking a "Pearl Harbor"-type event to justify its agenda. Some surmise more sinister scenarios. But does it really matter whether the coven of madmen responsible for 9/11 plotted in the West Wing or in an Afghan cave – or both? What matters far more is that we live in a time when covens of the maddened shape the agendas of countries all over the world, and that this is possible only because of a wildly out-of-balance way of life in which we all are implicated.


Culture Change Letter #110 - Katrina's main lesson for Petrosociety

The main lesson from Katrina for our petrosociety

by Jan Lundberg

This essay delves into our petrosociety's energy vulnerability and outmoded economy, and examines the government's apparent whitewash of the environmental situation in New Orleans.

Much has been said about the consequences of Katrina, an event for which there was little preparedness or "government compassion." Among the meanings of the whole experience: a wealthy society's betrayal of poor
people and minorities, damage to the energy industries' ability to maintain production and distribution, and environmental devastation that will endure because of toxic spills. However, there's little indication that many people have grasped the main lesson of Katrina.

Most of Katrina's lesson is simply this: if the nation could not handle very well a localized disaster, what will the country be like when the entire industrialized world runs permanently short of petroleum in the
grip of the coming (final?) energy crisis? This reality is grasped, incidentally, by Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (Republican, Maryland) and his staff.

The biggest step in awareness the public could make is to reject the aspects of our lives and culture that contributed to the Katrina disaster. Because of the almost entire lack of meaningful leadership nationally on
down, this will only happen with more disasters as lessons, as people in the short term just want food, shelter and other basics -- understandably so. Even those of us in a comfortable position to make choices can rarely
conceive of completely restructuring the way we grow food -- an exampleof how we must start treating the land, air and water. [to read remainder of this essay, go to


Check the Green Dove Calendar for upcoming events –

Green Dove Chap Book contest - The Green Dove Network has extended its submission calendar for the first annual Green Dove Poetry Chap Book Contest. For submission guidelines go to


Michael Moore and his staff has been down in New Orleans and on the Gulf Coast for nearly a month now setting up and running our own relief effort with Veterans for Peace. The overwhelming response from so many of you has directly affected the lives of thousands of people. Here's what we've been able to do with your help:

Supplies were delivered to the Houma Indians, who had received no help (not even a visit) from the Red Cross or FEMA. A roof was put on their Cultural Center in Golden Meadows and a generator was provided to keep a years supply of seafood from spoiling in the sun – read about it all -

CHICAGO (September 15, 2005) -The Chicago City Council Wednesday passed a resolution demanding the removal of US troops from Iraq. Passing by a Council vote of 29 to 9, with 12 abstaining or not voting, the resolution urges 'the United States government to immediately commence an orderly and rapid withdrawal' from Iraq. In addition to the death and suffering of the war, the resolution stressed that 'Chicago residents' share of monies appropriated for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now exceeds $2.1 billion.'

Chicago is now the largest U.S city to take this stand. The only other major US city to pass a similar resolution is San Francisco. The Evanston, IL City Council voted against the war yesterday, and Gary, IN did so last month.

'It's time to call a halt to the bloodshed. It's time to load up the ships, load up the planes and welcome home the troops to a ticker-tape parade in New York and a ticker-tape parade in Chicago,' declared Alderman Burton Natarus on the 42nd Ward. Immediately following his impassioned plea to vote 'yes' on the resolution, Natarus fell ill, collapsed and was taken out of the chambers by medics, interrupting the debate for nearly 20 minutes. The debate resumed once it was learned that the 72-year-old alderman was OK.

Philadelphia City Council Passes Resolution Against The War
On the urging of members and friends of the Bring Them Home Now Bus Tour, the Philadelphia City Council voted today 16 to 1 for a Resolution calling on the federal government to "rapidly withdraw US troops from Iraq expeditiously." Following a Thursday morning caucus session in which Gold Star Families for Peace co-founder Celeste Zappala and other Bring Them Home Now Bus Tour members were introduced to councilmembers, the Resolution was introduced by Councilwomen Blondell Reynolds-Brown and was co-sponsored by 12 other council persons, two of them Republicans. Councilwoman Reynolds-Brown will read the resolution at the

You can get a copy of the resolution in PDF format and learn about/plug into the tour at


Longtime GOP Fundraiser and NPR Critic Elected to Head CPB
Longtime Republican fundraiser Cheryl Halpern was elected the new chair of
the Corporation for Public Broadcasting earlier this week. Halpern has
overseen such government-funded media projects as Voice of America, Radio
Marti in Cuba and Radio Free Iraq. She has also accused National Public
Radio of being biased against Israel. We speak with Celia Wexler of Common
Cause. Listen/Watch/Read

Local Public Access TV Under Attack From Trio of Congressional Bills
Local public access television across the United States is being threatened
by legislation introduced in both the U.S. Senate and House of
Representatives. Critics say the bills could eliminate the only source of
funding public access providers receive and would take away control from
local governments. We speak with Anthony Riddle of the Alliance for
Community Media and George Stoney, who many consider the father of public
access. Listen/Watch/Read

New Orleans Evacuees Blast Lack of Any Aid or Relief Weeks After Katrina
A month after hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, displaced New Orleans
residents at the Radisson Hotel in New York City speak out about the lack of
aid they have received and the continued difficulty of receiving any type of
relief from the Red Cross.


On November 17th young people all over the country will be participating in the "Not Your Soldier" Day of action for youth and students sponsored by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition. The "Not Your Soldier" day of action is intended to be a day when young people will speak for ourselves and demand an end to the militarization of our schools and positive alternatives to the military and war. We encourage you to pass on this information to youth and students in your networks and organizations. This is also a great opportunity for you to reach out and support local youth organizing in your area. For more info on the day of action or ways that you can support "Not Your Soldier"organizing email us at The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition wants to amplify your voice and your demands. Tell us your story, announce your event, and we'll help get the word out to the media and other youth and students. We've found the website to be a great tool for activists
Check it out! First you'll have to add yourself

Also on this
website you will be able to:

* Register your Not Your Soldier event
* Learn about/connect with other Not Your Soldier events around the
country and in your area
* Download resources, find other CR orgs and activists, and more.
* Share the resources you've created

*Counter Recruitment websites you need to see!*

American Friends Service Committee -

Counter (a news site) -

Fellowship of Reconciliation "I Will Not Kill" Campaign -

National Network Opposing Militarization of Youth -

Not Your Soldier Training Camps -

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation's Demilitarization Guide -

Student Peace Action Network -

United for Peace and Justice Counter-Recruitment Working Group -

War Resisters League -


The Books Not Bombs Agenda:

Fund Education--Not Empire!
Military Out of Our Schools--No to the Poverty Draft!
Protect Our Civil Liberties!
Campuses For Peace--Not War!
Schools Not Jails!

To find out more about NYSPC and learn how you can get involved
visit us at or email us at


Green Peace on Oil Tycoons Taking Advantage in Wake of Katrina and Rita

Like so many people around the country, I was devastated to watch the tragedies unfold in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas following hurricanes Katrina and Rita. But my sadness has quickly turned to anger, as I have learned that the oil industry, whose spills have contributed so much to the devastation facing the Gulf states, is now trying to use tragedy for profit – and Congress is helping them.

Take Action: Tell Congress to protect people NOT oil tycoons.

In the wake of the storms, Louisiana and Texas faced massive oil spills as a result of platforms and refineries that couldn’t withstand hurricane force winds. But some members of Congress can’t withstand pressure from the oil industry, and are using the hurricane tragedies as an excuse to actually spread these offshore drilling operations to other vulnerable coastal communities.

In fact, big oil has spent big bucks, contributing more than $180 million to lawmakers on Capitol Hill – and now they’re calling in favors.

Here’s a list of the oil industry’s favorite politicians:
(Member of Congress and the amount each received)

Representative Mike Conaway (R-TX): $275,918
Senator John Thune (R-SD): $262,327
Senator David Vitter (R-LA): $249,446

Click here to read the full list

It’s outrageous and unacceptable that elected officials on both sides of the aisle appear willing to do whatever it takes to help their buddies, even if it means allowing them to profit off the backs of homeless hurricane victims. We should do everything in our power to stop the oil industry from putting floating grenades in our backyards.

The answer to the energy crisis facing America is reducing our dependence on oil. Elected officials who are truly concerned about this issue will take the necessary steps to invest in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. These sources are safe, affordable, and long overdue.


John Passacantando
John Passacantando
Executive Director

p.s. Please help me spread the word – oil companies should not profit from tragedy – it’s time to put a stop to the greed of big oil.


28 September 2005

The fight against drugs may cause a natural catastrophe in South America

The spraying of coca plant killers threats regional rich biodiversity

The US backed fight against drugs in South America is affecting the rich
biodiversity of its Andean region and may lead to a natural catastrophe
if the permanent spraying of coca plant killers continues. According to
an official report issued by Colombia's counter narcotics department,
growers are leaving their usual territories and moving into national
parks where spraying is banned.
