Monday, March 14, 2011

Continue to Send Support to Japan

Dear All,

Thank you for visiting this page. There are so many that need our positive thoughts, prayers and resources. Haiti and New Orleans are still in recovery as are many other war torn places upon our home earth. Now, Japan, as you well know is reeling from the recent earthquake and tsunami. Gratefully, many around the earth have responded. As with Haiti and New Orleans, the aid and consideration will be necessary for some time to come.

Please open your loving HEARTS FULLY to Stand Shoulder to Shoulder in the LIGHT of love radiating from each of our hearts, each of us visualizing the vibrations of Peace, Love, Harmony, Unity and a recovery of the shifting of our Earth Mother."

What effects one, effects us all.

Please send out peaceful and loving energy to all that you love and believe in asking for assistance and quick stabilization of all devastating energies in regards to the Japan earth quake and following tsunamis.

If you feel inclined, Please invite in the healing energies on behalf of all disruptions and inequities and fear based behaviors that keep us from helping one another and healing our communities and our earth in a peaceful manner.

May all of our loving thoughts and prayers reach out and assist in some way those in need of these prayers and the blessings of comfort they may release for all people affected, and may the global community continue its outpouring of all needed supplies and resources for the ensuing massive rescue and relief effort.

Thank you, I am grateful for each thought and action shared.

You are each a blessing,

Please keep sending your prayers and positive thoughts to all those in need, and if you have the ability to, send aid through these links;

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Upcoming Peace and Justice Events around Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN

May you be peaceful within and without.
Thanks Jim for sharing most of these items on your ecalendar. PCC

Monday, March 14 - Standing on the Side of Love -
Citizens stand to support healthy communities and the right for all citizens to form legal partnerships and marriages. Rally at Indianapolis Statehouse.

Tuesday, March 15

Indiana United Immigration Reform, Gathering at the State Capitol to object to Arizona-style immigration 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Indiana State House (South Steps). For more info email ACLU of Indiana
The Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center will meet on Mon. at 7:00 pm at Earth House, 237 N. East. For more info, contact me at or 432-4873.
Wednesday, March 16

The IPS Latino Resources Roundtable, which promotes and supports the programs, services and activities of organizations such as Immigrant Welcome Center, Indianapolis International Center, Muslim Alliance of Indiana, African Community International, Sociedad Amigos de Colombia, Mexican Consulate and the National League of Cities, will meet at 9:00 am at IPS John Morton-Finney Educational Services Building, 120 E. Walnut. For more info, contact Nora Trincado at 226-4831 or

[Bloomington] Bloomington Peace Action Coalition’s twice-monthly Peace Demonstration on the Square takes place from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, at Monroe County Courthouse Square at the intersection of Kirkwood Ave. and Walnut. For more info, email Timothy Baer at (March 19th/20th marks the 8th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. More than 100,000 U.S. military personnel and mercenaries continue to operate as a military occupation force in Iraq today.)

[Bloomington] “The Real War” film series continues with the premiere of "Shadow Company." 7:00 to 8:45 p.m. Monroe County Public Library Auditorium
303 E. Kirkwood Avenue. With over $100 billion in annual revenues and 70,000 employees in Iraq alone, the private military industry is booming, yet few civilians know anything about it. “Shadow Company”, a groundbreaking feature-length documentary, takes you deep inside this secret world that is changing the face of modern warfare.

The Indianapolis Chapter of Amnesty International will meet at 7:00 pm at Earth House, 237 N. East. For more info, contact Noel Fliss at 916-6050 or

A panel of the “Interfaith 2011” retreat teachers will be held the evening of Wednesday, March 16 to explore the common ground of the three faith traditions. The panel is free of charge and open to the public. It will be held at the Atheneum/Visitor Center in New Harmony at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Historic New Harmony at 812-682-4488 or go to

Thursday, March 17


Fast for Gaza will meet on Thurs. at 12 noon at Lulu’s Electric Café, 1460 W. 86. For more info, contact Lew Weiss at or 962-8580.

There will be an Anti-death Penalty Witness on Thurs., 12:30-1:30 pm, at the east steps of the State House, Capitol Ave. and Market, sponsored by The Indiana Information Center on the Abolition of Capital Punishment (IICACP). Bring a sign or use one of ours; come for any part of the hour. For more info, phone 466-7128

[Bloomington] The Research Committee of Hoosiers for a Commonsense Health Plan will meet at 4:30 pm at Boxcar Books and Community Center, 408 E. 6. For more info, visit or contact Milton Fisk at (812) 336-7184 or

Christians for Peace & Justice in the Middle East will meet at 6:00 pm at the home of Dottie Gerner. Bring a sandwich. For more info or directions, phone Dottie Gerner at 283-7175.

Friday, March 18

The weekly vigil protesting warfare will take place between 4:30 to 5:30 pm, in front of the Federal Building, North and Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center. Bring an appropriate sign or there will be one provided for you. For more info, contact Ron Haldeman at 926-4318 or

Saturday, March 19

Bread for the World will hold a monthly meeting at 10:00 am in the board room in the A Wing of the Main Building at Robin Run Village, 5354 W. 62. For more info, phone Marjorie Hill at 291-7150 before attending.

Two overlapping free events will occur on Sat. at Earth House, 237 N. East, with good food for free or as much as you can pay, 2:00-4:00 pm, and a Really, Really Free Market, 2:30-5:30 pm. For more info, contact Ed Stites at 965-2466 or

[Nashville] The weekly Peace Vigil on the theme "War Is Not the Answer!" will begin at 6:00 pm at the Brown County Courthouse, Main and Van Buren Streets, sponsored by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Brown County Branch). For more info, contact Tom Hougham at 878-4210 or

Sunday, March 20

SNAP, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, will meet on Sun. at 1:30 pm at Crestwood Village Community Room, E. 91 at the Monon Trail. For more info, phone Cecilia Shelpey at 844-2993

There will be a closed business meeting of Socialist Party USA at 3:00 pm, an open business meeting of Democratic Socialists of America at 3:30 pm, and an open meeting and get-together of Indiana Socialist Fellowship at 4 pm on Sun. at Starbucks, 645 W. 11. For more info, contact Marvin Williams at or 955-2779.

March 26th - Trashion Refashion Show - A benefit for the Center for Sustainable Living

If you are in the Indianapolis area and would like items posted to the Indy Peace and Justice Calendar, send them to Jim at

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