Friday, August 06, 2010

Hiroshima Day, Rev. Dennis McCarty on Immigration, and Green Dove News

Hiroshima Day, Rev. Dennis McCarty on Immigration, and Green Dove News

May this find you well with peace working through your behaviors, your words and actions. Thank you.

Today is the Anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will visit Hiroshima. A calendar of events is on the Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki website.

Indianapolis, Indiana Hiroshima Day Observance on Fri. Aug. 6 at Earth House, 247 N. East, with a craft project for children at 7 pm (making paper cranes and Japanese lanterns) and an audio-visual presentation at 8 pm by Kyoko Amano, a University of Indianapolis professor who took students to visit the museum in Hiroshima this spring, followed at dusk by a walk around the neighborhood with Japanese lanterns, sponsored by Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center. For more info, email me at or 432-4873.

May we always remember this great harm inflicted upon our fellow earth travelers and the earth we all exist upon.

May we learn from our mistakes.

May we come to act with the understanding and realization that we never again inflict such harm upon ourselves. We will create a sustainable world community, or we all will lose. There is not middle ground.

May we not allow violence to be our ruin. Stop the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, across the Middle East, in all places on our earth. The damage inflicted upon the earth will heal in generations far off into the future. How much longer still until the damaged psyche of millions of people will be healed?


This is an excerpt from A Sermon Delivered July 25, 2010, by the Reverend Dennis McCarty at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington Indiana, July 2010 and published to Green Dove.

"The great Sonoran Desert stretches from deep in Mexico to the middle of Arizona, a dun landscape dotted with 20-foot-tall saguaro cacti and scraggly sagebrush. With its mind-blurring heat, this is not a place where you want to be left behind--but people are all the time. Ranchers, county sheriffs, and the government patrols that guard the United States-Mexico border find them with grim regularity, the bodies of illegal immigrants who slipped across the border but did not survive the journey on the other side. Remains not found for weeks or months may amount to a few decaying bones. Continue reading.

You will also find:

-Drums of War: Israel and the "Axis of Resistance" Beirut/Jerusalem/Damascus/Washington/Brussels

-BPP to Give $2,000 in Grants to Local Artists and Arts Organizations - BPP’s AwareFest Re-Granting Fund

There is more on the website.

Reiki Peace and Wellness Arts Reiki Clinic with Rev. Patricia C. Coleman RSMT is every Third Friday from 2:00PM to 6:00PM and is FREE to Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan War. All others receive reduced rate of $20 for a half hour Reiki wellness session. The Reiki Wellness Project also offers free Reiki workshops to Vets groups (and their caregivers) Send email for Vets Reiki Workshop Application. Reiki Wellness sessions by appointment only. Call Patricia at 812-331-0886

May we walk, talk and live in peace with one another.

Green Dove

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